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Our Formulating Standards

Our product's are gentle and protect your skin barrier

Substandard products damage your skin and impair its ability to keep water and nutrients in and harmful chemicals and bacteria out. Skin becomes unhealthy and sensitised and ages prematurely.

We don't take shortcuts and formulate with integrity

Our formulations are free from fragrance, formaldehyde, and other skin sensitising ingredients. We believe in bringing you only the best, and the results speak for themselves.

We only create products your skin really needs

Skincare isn't fast fashion but most brands have begun to treat it as such. They launch product after product only to be able to sell you more than you really need. We've chosen to be more responsible.


Founder's Note

I had cystic acne for 7 years. I visited several doctors and tried many oral medicines and topical treatments. I even tried isotretinoin but quickly left it because of its horrible side effects: severe muscle pain, fatigue, and depression.

A chance encounter helped me realise the impact that everyday skincare could have on my skin and I began my own research around what causes acne and how to treat it. We're usually told that acne requires aggressive treatment and most acne products are formulated with this philosophy in mind. This does more harm than good however, and I cleared my skin up using gentle products in a minimal routine with only 4 key steps: cleanser, treatment, moisturiser and protection. I've attached my own before and after images below.

Aware that Pakistan lacked reliable skincare at affordable prices, especially for people with problematic skin like mine, I launched AccuFix Cosmetics hoping to help others like myself. Here at AccuFix we're committed to creating effective skincare products for problematic skin types. I ensure that no formula that we make hits the market without being tested on my own skin first so we can truly build a brand that we can vouch for with confidence and that you can trust.

Yasmeen Naseer